chachera bhaaeeee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 60 My cousin Jupiter, he said, will see in a few pretty good fight, his supreme throne 2. Among all these girls, Lin Daiyu, a cousin on the paternal side, remains his favorite 3. Any form of cousin marriage is permitted, with the exception of sisterly polygyny 4. For her, it is Al ?, law and cousin of the Prophet, which should have been the first im m, and which was actually under a hidden mode first, then in an explicit fashion after death 'Uthm n 5. GU GU Yanwu Yanwu [KOU-YEN WOU] (1613-1682) Born in Jiangsu in a scholarly family, Gu Yanwu (or Gu Tinglin) was adopted by the very young widow of a cousin of his father remained childless

Given are the examples of hindi word chachera bhaaeeee usage in english sentences. The examples of chachera bhaaeeee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cousin.